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Our Vision

Our vision is to first restore & revitalize our unique Brick Street shopping district with an emphasis on keeping our small-town charm. By following the proven MS Main Street Approach of organization, design, promotion, and economic development, we trust that the open-ended result will enhance our community for years to come and ultimately show Bay Springs to be a vibrant commercial area and an enticing lifestyle area to shop, dine, and live.

Our History

Nestled in the rolling hills of southwestern Jasper County, MS, the picturesque community of Bay Springs was originally founded in 1901. In the late 1800s,
Joe Blankenship founded sawmills in the dense, virgin forests of western Jasper County. Around the turn of the century, Blankenship’s son-in-law, L. L. Denson,
through the Denson Trading Co., founded a village called “Bay Springs”
which encompassed an area of 173 acres.
According to tradition, the village was named for an artesian spring
flowing from the trunk of a bay tree. Today, the flowing fountain
centered in the city's iconic gazebo is that same artesian spring...

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