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The Bay Springs Main Street Association, a non-profit organization, operates exclusively to help restore and revitalize Bay Springs' historic Brick Street Shopping District and the surrounding area's businesses and restaurants. 


Our non-profit mission is to assist local merchants with proven ways of increasing revenue from the Brick Street Center outward. Working in step with Mississippi Main Street, we begin the path toward community revitalization by implementing their 4-point approach of organization, design, promotion, and economic restructuring. 


Funding is generated by hosting and promoting seasonal events and through charitable donations, corporate sponsorships, and member/merchant partners. Bay Springs Main Street is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. Any donation or membership made to our organization is tax deductible. 

Individual: $50

Family: $100

Business: $250

Shareholder: $1,000

Membership Levels:

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*All memberships run from January- December of the calendar year.

Invoices will be sent at the end of the year and will be due by January 31st. 

Membership Benefits:

  • Individual: Bay Springs Main Street Decal / Quarterly Email / Perks / Access To Hospitality Tent at Events

  • Family: (2) Bay Springs Main Street Decals / All Above Benefits

  • Business: All Above Benefits / Advertising / Website Listing

  • Partners: All Business Benefits / Precedence / Video Posting / Event Priority

Interested in becoming a member?

Scan the QR code to complete the membership application online.

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